Old Times, Old Ways

The Life and Times of a Child and Teenager Growing Up in Tennessee

Mona Whitaker

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ISBN: 1-57733-155-9, 64 pp., 6x9, $13.00

Mona Whitaker, the daughter of Ira and Media (Smith) Yeary, is Tennessee born. The trials and obstacles of growing up in a community nestled in the shadow of the Cumberland Mountains only served to enhance her appreciation and love for her surroundings, her family, and friends. Her writing is unsurpassed in humor and originality in conveying to the reader "the way it was."



My life began on a farm in Tennessee, and as a little girl at the age of eight, I remember my life as happy and poor. Although we were poor, my mother always showed me love. My brother was always quiet, and besides my mother, my grandfather was like a dad to me. He taught me all things in life and about the way things were back then in 1949.

It was always grandpa and me. Grandpa would let me drive the mules while he put the hay on the sled. Now these sleds he would make himself. When he plowed the land for our gardens, he would let me ride on the Bull Tongue Plow for a half-day at a time. To me, that was a great thrill of my life. Wherever he went on the farm, I was beside him. We would burn brush piles, gather corn from the field, and haul it to the corn crib for storage for the winter for our cows, and hogs, and chickens.

Symposium Publishing, 2005

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